To be free

We start off this world with a bang. We are untapped potential screaming as loud as we can get what we need in this life. We are little masterpieces of creation. Capable of learning anything and everything the world has to offer. We are quickly shaped  by the experiences that others have had. We are told what to do, what to wear, what to eat, how to act and that someday we also will have to fend for ourselves in this cruel unforgiving world. We get to school we are taught the same things in the same desks with the same pencils and paper and crayons.  We are taught to consume and be good citizens. To be considered normal you must graduate high school graduate college get a good job and buy a house. Start a family save for your future and when you’re at the end of those working years. You retire you are tired old beat down worn-out and now it’s time to enjoy what you have left. That is a great life when you accomplish the goals that others have set for you. It is amazing when you could look back and see so many smiles and memories.  Is not a bad idea or a bad existence.  The fact that we forgot to live our own lives with our own potentials our own passions is what I’m referring to. We came out kicking and screaming ready to tackle the world. Do not live someone else’s life, Discover your own life.  you will know you’re getting close to happiness when you begin to feel as if you are too honest and to open with your feelings. It will be uncomfortable but you will be free.

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